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Mark Black doesn’t just teach resilience; he embodies it. Born with a life-threatening heart defect, Mark underwent two open-heart surgeries before the age of one. Twenty-two years later, he survived a perilous heart and double-lung transplant, In 2005, Mark became the first man in history to run a marathon with someone else’s heart and lungs. Then he did it 3 more times.
The author of Live Life from the Heart, Mark has travelled the globe as an author, speaker and coach, sharing his unbelievable story of perseverance, strategies and tactics with more than 150,000 people across North America.
Mark is also the host of the Level Up Your Life Podcast, where motivated people go to get strategies, tools, and tested tricks to take their work, life, and health to the next level, and in today’s episode he specifically shares his tips and strategies for pivoting in the challenging times that we are facing.
In this episode you’ll learn:
- The pivots Mark has made, especially in the past year, and how he’s been able to do it
- Why he feels so strongly that now is the time to be innovative, to re-imagine and create
- The way he separates work from home and how he acts intentionally in a time where we are almost always at home
- How the habits that hold your life together tend to disappear when dealing with massive change – and steps to take to avoid this
- What people can do right now to prepare themselves for life’s “curveballs”
“It’s about intentionally challenging yourself regularly.”
“One of the biggest problems that we have as humans is that we have got so used to things being convenient, and the littlest inconvenience causes us far more stress than it should.”
“Put yourself in situations that stretch you.”
“You build a business that suits your life, instead of trying to fit your life around your business.”
Mark’s Website
Mark’s Book, Live Life from the Heart
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