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On today’s episode I’m joined by not one, but TWO, amazing guests that help coaches breakthrough sales roadblocks and accelerate profits!
Mike McMahon has personally closed more than 12,000 sales. But, after mastering, teaching and using every closing trick in the book, he’s taken high-performance selling to a new level in perfect pitch for the unique challenges of selling in the digital age.
Doresa Ibrahim specializes in sales and marketing for small business owners. Over the years, she’s developed a keen understanding of the complex issues facing small business owners in the type of volatile economy we have today.
If you like what Mike and Doresa have to share today on the show today, then you’re going to want to register at for their free training happening Thursday, January 28th, 2021 at 1 pm EST!
In this episode you’ll learn:
- Mike and Doresa reveal what’s behind the fears behind talking and promoting your success as a coach
- How coaches can begin building authority right now
- What they think about the saying “fake it til you make it”
- How long it really takes to build the authority you need in your business to be successful
- Tips from the professionals that can get you on the right track with building a successful coaching business
“The challenges businesses face and why businesses tend to not sell, it really comes down to not having the right systems or processes to bring in a steady stream of clients.” [Mike]
“It’s no good if someone has a secret business and no one knows you are awesome, and that is what we find so often with coaches.” [Doresa]
“The greatest gift we have as coaches is the impact we have on other people’s lives.” [Mike]
Register for Mike and Doresa’s Free Training (Thursday, January 28th, 2021 at 1 pm EST)!
Mike’s Website
Doresa’s Website
Natural Born Coaches is sponsored by Get It Together Masterminds! You’ll get 9x the prospects to raise their hands and ask for more information from you when you have a risk reversal or guarantee in your business. Get it Together Masterminds will show you how to do it in a free report that they’re now giving away at!
Get the Coaches’ Roadmap for Success (for Free) – Click Here