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Episode #707: Maayan Gordon: Using TikTok to Build Your Coaching Business

by | Apr 5, 2021 | Podcasts

Maayan Gordon has 10+ Years in Digital Marketing, Founder of 4 successful businesses, 750+ million video views, and 2+ million followers on social media.

She is focused on value creation, unique marketing methods, communications and sales.

Above all Maayan believes in the power of influence through communication, and the power of belief in oneself and the significance each of us has to make an impact and change the world in a positive and profound way. 

In this episode, Maayan shares her tips and strategies for TikTok, and the ways you can use this powerful platform to massively grow your reach, impact and ultimately, your coaching business!

In this episode you’ll learn:

  • What is TikTok and how much it has changed since its debut
  • How the platform can be applicable to coaches, entrepreneurs and professionals
  • Maayan’s content creating process for her TikTok channel
  • Her thoughts about TikTok Trolls (and tips to manage them)
  • Setting up your own TikTok channel, utilizing the analytics, and how to drive your TikTok followers to your other social media platforms


“It’s great to drive sales and it’s great to drive people to your Instagram and gain followers, but what is more valuable than any of them is building a community that wants to support you and are your raving fans.”

“More than the platform itself being the opportunity, the platform is the tool that helps you improve your skill around social media to the point where you are set up for whatever is coming next.”

“We now live in a world where every single year there is going to be a new social media platform that takes the headlines, that emerges and that changes our world. You want to be busy as a business for those changes that are coming.”


Maayan’s Website & TikTok 8-Week Mastermind

Her TikTok, Instagram & LinkedIn

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