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Episode #713: Terri Levine: The Conversion Equation

by | May 17, 2021 | Podcasts

I’m excited to be welcoming back Terri Levine to Natural Born Coaches today! Terri is the founder of Heart-repreneur® LLC and a business and executive coaching expert, and she has a wealth of information and strategies for coaches, consultants, and business owners.

Terri assists businesses worldwide with business growth, sales, and marketing, and she has more than 40 years of business experience, encompassing work with more than 5,000 business owners and entrepreneurs in a variety of industries. She is also a bestselling author of dozens of books, has her own radio and TV show and is also a keynote speaker.

Terri has a passion for helping businesses to grow with her own personal experience gained while building multiple successful businesses from the ground up. Terri has created the Heart-repreneur® cause teaching business owners to do business heart-to-heart.

Terri’s latest book, The Conversion Equation: A Proven Formula to Attract High-Level Prospects, Close More Sales, and Increase Your Profitability, is being released in August 2021.

If you like to build your very own 6-figure coaching business and create a conveyor belt of qualified leads without spending a dime on ads or wasting hours on social media, Terri is hosting an upcoming live training! It’s happening Friday, May 21st, 2021 at 1:30 pm EST, and to register now go to    

In this episode you’ll learn:

  • What a “core unique positioning statement” is and how it helps you position yourself in the market differently than everyone else
  • How to deal with common objections you’ll face in the coaching world
  • Interrupting your audience, and what it really means to “cut through the noise”
  • The way Terri’s career started, and how she was able to refine her coaching business after 27 years in the industry
  • Social media is just that, social. Why your goal should be to engage and serve…
  • The big changes in the coaching world that have happened since 2020, and the learning curve coaches have had to face since then


“Don’t come into a program, don’t work with any coach, unless you are committed to be open and curios, and ready to follow through on implementation.”

“As a coach, you have to know the one result that your audience wants.”

“I really urge coaches not to be a cookie cutter. Sometimes a coach does something because they saw somebody else do it online, but how do you know they are successful?”


Register for Terri’s Live Training, The Modern Coaching Method

Her Website & Heartrepreneur® Radio

Natural Born Coaches Episode 579 & 608 with Terri

Pre-Order Terri’s Upcoming Book, The Conversion Equation: A Proven Formula to Attract High-Level Prospects, Close More Sales, and Increase Your Profitability

Her Previous Book, Turbocharge Your Business for Women Entrepreneurs

Feed A Starving Crowd, by Robert Coorey

Natural Born Coaches is sponsored by Get It Together Masterminds! You’ll get 9x the prospects to raise their hands and ask for more information from you when you have a risk reversal or guarantee in your business. Get it Together Masterminds will show you how to do it in a free report that they’re now giving away at!

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