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In today’s solo episode, I share my “3 Pillar Strategy” that allows me to focus on what really matters in my coaching business.
If you’d like to learn more about this strategy, and the impact implementing it can make in your own coaching business, I’d love to have you join me for my upcoming free live training happening Wednesday, June 2nd, 2021, at 2 pm EST. Go to to reserve your spot now!
In this episode you’ll learn:
- A breakdown of my “3 Pillars Strategy” – and a quick story that relates to one of these key pillars
- Why I choose to say no to anything that is not part of these pillars
- A question to ask myself to know if I should jump onboard with something new
- How to start determining your own 3 pillars
- What I am sharing in my upcoming live training, and what you can get from it
“I’m very hesitant when people say you have to be somewhere [online]. I don’t think that’s the case, and when building a business online there are plenty of places you can be.”
“If I’m doing the 3 things I’m doing as well as I should be, my business is ok. That doesn’t mean I’m not in other places [online], but those are my big 3 pillars.”
“If I was trying to do 20 different things, and putting 5 percent of my attention into each, there just wouldn’t be enough focus.”
Register For My Free Live Training (on June 2nd, 2021, at 2 pm EST)
Good to Great by Jim Collins
Natural Born Coaches is sponsored by Get It Together Masterminds! You’ll get 9x the prospects to raise their hands and ask for more information from you when you have a risk reversal or guarantee in your business. Get it Together Masterminds will show you how to do it in a free report that they’re now giving away at!
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