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Ron Reich helps successful online entrepreneurs scale their businesses to seven (and even eight) figures through his advanced marketing systems, and in this episode, he talks about how you can begin to do so by launching your first group coaching program!
To learn more from Ron about how to grow your business using group coaching programs, he’s hosting a FREE training on Thursday, July 22nd, 2021, at 12:30 EST. Go to to grab your spot now!
In this episode you’ll hear:
- The work he now does with mission-driven coaches
- When is the right time to implement group coaching into your business
- The advantages of having a group coaching framework
- How to structure a group program
- Strategies for filling a group program – and more!
“If you are coaching people in groups, you are able to impact more people than if you are just working with people one-on-one.”
“If you do design your group program correctly, you are going to find that your people actually can get as good or better results in a group than they do one-on-one.”
“When designing your offer for your group programs, you want to start with the transformation that you are offering.”
“I don’t want people to think that they need to have a huge audience in order to have a successful group launch.”
“There is this idea that everything good happens outside your comfort zone.”
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His Website
Natural Born Coaches is sponsored by Get It Together Masterminds! You’ll get 9x the prospects to raise their hands and ask for more information from you when you have a risk reversal or guarantee in your business. Get it Together Masterminds will show you how to do it in a free report that they’re now giving away at!
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