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Abundance is talked about often, but how do we connect with it in a more natural way? Dan Mangena is a motivational speaker, author, writer, podcaster and coach, and in this episode, he reveals “The Triangle to Abundance” that could be a game changer for anyone looking for more abundance in his or her life!
You’re not going to want to miss Dan’s training on Thursday, August 19th, 2021, at 1:30 PM (EST), where he shares so much more on abundance. Go to to grab your spot now!
In this episode you’ll hear:
- What “The Triangle to Abundance” is all about
- The five levels of it, and why it’s so important to understand each
- Ways to introduce new programs to your mind that will develop your money mindset
- How the fear of losing what you have gained will hold you back
- Dan’s thoughts on truly accepting the freedom you created
“It’s about transitioning into looking at how we connect with abundance in a more natural way. It’s not going off the ‘dog eat dog, kill be killed’ kind of approach to business.”
“Reality is not just three-dimensional physical reality. It is not just thoughts and mindfulness, and it is not just rainbows and vibration. It is all of them together.”
“It is not just about the money, it is about the physical, mental and emotional space that you are in.”
“What is the point of having the money and having the choices if you are not going to have the time and energy to exercise them.”
“The unconscious mind is not your enemy, it’s your friend but it is just running on the instruction it has been given.”
Register for Dan’s Free Training
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