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Michael Peluso of Joinocity is our special guest today, and if you’re looking for a one-stop solution to increase sales and manage your coaching clients, he has the answer for you!
Michael is hosting a free webinar on Thursday, September 2nd, 2021, at 2 pm EST, where he’ll reveal how you can automate your business, and boost sales in the process! You can grab your spot now at
In this episode you’ll hear:
• Why coaches often struggle building their businesses
• How you can build relationships with the platforms you use in your coaching business
• Ways to start automating and delegating parts of your business that you don’t love to do
• Why balancing personal growth and business growth is key for coaches
“Coaching is about building a relationship and making sure that relationship is coming from a certain context.”
“Part of being a coach and part of being an entrepreneur is being really honest with yourself.”
“There are things that I love doing and there are things that I don’t love doing. When I can operationalize the things that I don’t love doing, then I have the freedom to go do something else.”
“Most of the time we look at businesses and we think about just building a business system, but what I am inviting everyone to do is to build a system for their growth.”
Register for Michael’s Free Webinar
Joinocity Website
True Living Website
The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss
The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone
Natural Born Coaches is sponsored by Get It Together Masterminds! You’ll get 9x the prospects to raise their hands and ask for more information from you when you have a risk reversal or guarantee in your business. Get it Together Masterminds will show you how to do it in a free report that they’re now giving away at!
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