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Hosting live events and retreats is a key part of many successful coaching businesses, which is why I’m really looking forward to you meeting Amy Flores-Young, a retreat planner and travel specialist. In this episode, Amy reveals her best tips and strategies for running retreats in these uncertain times!
In this episode you’ll hear:
- Amy’s definition of” retreats” and how she runs them in her business
- The current pitfalls with holding retreats during a pandemic that you should be aware of
- The differences in how you need to travel now in 2021 versus pre-COVID
- Why she says that there is always going to be a need for human connection
- How to protect yourself from retreats that fall short of your expectations
- What “Be Better Than The Gap” means – and how Amy has used this concept in her own business
“Just because the pictures look fantastic, that could have been from their original remodel 10 years ago.”
“Stop doing it by yourself and bring in a travel professional who is going to be up-to-date on the changes and protocols needed.”
“We have been able to modify a lot of our location based on areas that are more travel friendly and COVID secure.”
“It is those little things that become memorable with your guests. It is really easy to up level, and that doesn’t mean [you have to] spend a lot more money.”
“Always look for ways to be better, and to take that extra effort.”
Amy’s Website, Facebook Group & LinkedIn
Her Top Six Retreat Planning Pitfalls to Avoid
Amy’s Blog Post, “BE BETTER THAN THE GAP” – How a line in a movie created my retreat services!
So Good They Can’t Ignore You by Cal Newport
FYRE: The Greatest Party That Never Happened
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