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I wanted to take a few minutes today to discuss one of my absolute favourite topics. I’m talking about content creation, which is very, very important for coaches to focus on! In this episode, you’ll get a look at the upcoming January 2022 issue of my hard-copy newsletter, Secret Coach Club, with tips to get you rolling with your content creation. If you go to between now and this Sunday, January 2nd, 2022, at Midnight EST, you’ll get The Content Creation Playbook issue delivered right to your door in January!
How would you like to build your dream coaching business, and would you like to work directly with me and get my help to do it? If so, I’m now accepting applications to my next Construct Your Dream Coaching Business Group Program, where I’ll work with you over 12 weeks to get your coaching business rocking and rolling! To apply, go to, and I’m looking forward to working with you soon!
There are a million Facebook Groups out there (and you’re probably a member of a lot of them), but The Coaching Jungle Facebook Group is different! It’s where you’ll find tens of thousands of amazing coaches sharing advice and giving accountability to each other, along with a healthy dose of motivation to grow your coaching business, each and every day. Swing on in and join The Coaching Jungle Facebook Group!
In this episode you’ll hear:
- How I know that these content creation strategies will work to grow a coaching business
- Why content creation is so important if you’re a coach today
- How this process has gotten easier for me over the years – and can for you too
- Where coaches often go wrong with content creation
- Some of the different ways that I get ideas for the content I produce
- What to expect from the January 2022 Secret Coach Club issue on content creation
- And more!
“This isn’t guesswork, this actually is effective. It works in the real world because I’ve been doing this since 2014.”
“I’ve gotten good at tweaking my system and finding a model that works well for content creation that doesn’t burn me out.”
“You’re going to have to do some work with it. This isn’t a ‘get rich quick, spend two minutes a week’ type thing. It’s going to take some time.”
“If you’re doing content creation consistently and it’s good, engaging content that’s helping people, they are noticing it and they are going to appreciate that.”
“I don’t care who you are, you’ve got stories that are interesting, entertaining and can help people that are in your marketplace.”
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Marc’s Construct Your Dream Coaching Business Group Program
The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy
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