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If you’re a member of my Facebook Group, The Coaching Jungle, you may know today’s guest, as she’s someone who is consistently adding value for group members! Nicole Bandes is the founder and CEO of Virtual A Team, and she is intensely committed to guiding entrepreneurs and small business owners to find and OWN THE ZONE so they can overcome overwhelm and have more time for what matters most. In this episode, Nicole reveals how you can not only get momentum in this new year, but to keep it going by taking consistent action!
I’m excited to announce that Motivation Monday with Nicole will be live each Monday at morning in The Coaching Jungle, and we hope to see you there to take part. If you’re not a member yet, you can join at!
How would you like to build your dream coaching business, and would you like to work directly with me and get my help to do it? If so, I’m now accepting applications to my next Construct Your Dream Coaching Business Group Program, where I’ll work with you over 12 weeks to get your coaching business rocking and rolling! To apply, go to, and I’m looking forward to working with you soon!
There are a million Facebook Groups out there (and you’re probably a member of a lot of them), but The Coaching Jungle Facebook Group is different! It’s where you’ll find tens of thousands of amazing coaches sharing advice and giving accountability to each other, along with a healthy dose of motivation to grow your coaching business, each and every day. Swing on in and join The Coaching Jungle Facebook Group!
Make sure to check out Secret Coach Club, my monthly hard copy newsletter that’s delivered to your mailbox each month! In it, I share my best strategies and advice for getting new coaching clients – all for about $3 a day, with flexible subscription options. Learn more at, and don’t delay!
In this episode you’ll hear:
- An introduction to “Momentum Monday” with Nicole in The Coaching Jungle
- Steps to begin visualizing where you are going, and to meet the milestones to keep you motivated and moving in the right direction
- What redefining what success means to you and taking consistent actions will lead you to this year and beyond
The key differences between coaches, strategists, and consultants - Nicole’s thoughts on battling spammers and using authentic outreach to grow your coaching business
“A lot of it is having that strategic plan and being able review it.”
“Redefine the way you are looking at success. A lot of times we are looking for those big wins, but instead look for something like consistency.”
“In my opinion, a coach is going to draw from you information that you already have inside of you. Whereas a consultant or a strategist is the one that is teaching, and that is guiding you to help you understand things you didn’t already know.”
“When I am reaching out directly, I actually generally want to get to know a person. I want to build a connection, but so many people are jaded.”
Nicole’s Website
Episode #740: How to Plan for A Successful 2022!
Episode #641: Nicole Bandes: Outsourcing For A Successful 2020
The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy
The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson
Marc’s Construct Your Dream Coaching Business Group Program
Get His Monthly Hard Copy Newsletter, Secret Coach Club
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