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If you’re feeling stuck, it really doesn’t have to be that way! Today’s special guest is Sarah Griffiths, a skilled and intuitive hypnotherapist who helps people heal from any and all emotional issues, and she is here to share her expertise on how you can undercover the hidden blocks you’re facing, in order to get unstuck in 2022!
To learn more, Sarah is hosting a free masterclass for my community on Tuesday, January 18th, 2022, at 6 pm EST, and you can register now at!
How would you like to build your dream coaching business, and would you like to work directly with me and get my help to do it? If so, I’m now accepting applications to my next Construct Your Dream Coaching Business Group Program, where I’ll work with you over 12 weeks to get your coaching business rocking and rolling! To apply, go to, and I’m looking forward to working with you soon!
There are a million Facebook Groups out there (and you’re probably a member of a lot of them), but The Coaching Jungle Facebook Group is different! It’s where you’ll find tens of thousands of amazing coaches sharing advice and giving accountability to each other, along with a healthy dose of motivation to grow your coaching business, each and every day. Swing on in and join The Coaching Jungle Facebook Group!
Make sure to check out Secret Coach Club, my monthly hard copy newsletter that’s delivered to your mailbox each month! In it, I share my best strategies and advice for getting new coaching clients – all for about $3 a day, with flexible subscription options. Learn more at, and don’t delay!
In this episode you’ll hear:
- Sarah shares how she was introduced to hypnotherapy
- Common hesitations around hypnotherapy debunked
- What is behind the feeling of being “stuck” and what you can do to begin uncovering subconscious beliefs
- The way that one of her clients was very stuck, and how this person was able to uncover the block using hypnotherapy
- Why she says that hypnotherapy can be as “woo-woo” or scientific as you want
- Details about Sarah’s upcoming masterclass where she dives deeper into hypnotherapy and moving past the feeling of being stuck
“I understood then that these people didn’t need help with their businesses, they needed help with themselves.”
“It opened up a whole new world to me of understanding what was going on in my life, and everyone else’s life is actually being projected from the subconscious, not the logical conscious mind.”
“It is just deep relaxation that allows you to connect to a part of your mind that is normally closed off to you.”
“We are talking about uncovering what has you stuck. It is about uncovering, understanding, and releasing.”
Register for Sarah’s Free Masterclass
Sarah’s Website & Free Resources
Marc’s Construct Your Dream Coaching Business Group Program
Get His Monthly Hard Copy Newsletter, Secret Coach Club
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