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Many coaches I speak with are looking for ways to stand out on Instagram right now, which is why I’m looking forward to this conversation with Kar Brulhart, an Instagram strategist, speaker, Latina and content creator. Kar shares the lessons she’s taken from her own journey in building a large following on Instagram, and in this episode, she reveals her tips and strategies for maximizing your exposure and influence on the popular platform!
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In this episode you’ll hear:
- How Instagram is the new “digital resume”
- Why Instagram is taking a different approach to content
- Some features the platform offers to help its creators with content creation
- What to know about IG Reels versus Instagram Stories
- The ways that coaches can start to stand out in the Instagram world
- How to implement a posting schedule that is comfortable for you
- Age progression with Instagram and how that is trending for business owners
- A look at the journey from zero to 45,000 followers in 10 months, and what Kar considers to be the “game changer” for her on Instagram
- The elements and commonalities to going viral
“It is not just about these aesthetic images anymore and the perfect aesthetic, but it is about sharing information, finding warm leads, and playing around with different features and functionalities in the app to get you more eyeballs on your content.”
“I like to say that [Instagram Stories} are a really great place to nurture and convert your warmest leads, because those are the people watching and really engaging the most.”
“What really helps people stand out is being their authentic selves, not trying to be somebody else, or copying something else that they have seen.”
“Instagram is a long game. It is not something that you are going to see results out of, and by results, I mean steady growth or a steady stream of clients from it if you are not being consistent and implementing a schedule.”
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