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Mindset is such a big part of coaching and growing your coaching business, and today’s guest is an expert who helps clients awaken to live their full potential. In this episode you’ll meet Mia Hewett, as she shares about her Aligned Intelligence® Method and what you can start doing today to take control of your emotions, stop worrying, and to step into yourself – unapologetically.
Things you will learn in this episode:
• A look at the Aligned Intelligence Method and what Mia uncovered while developing it
• What changed for Mia in her life when she shifted her emotional mindset though knowledge of Universal Laws
• What imposter syndrome is really about
• How to begin releasing the energy of your worry
• 3 human thrivers to unapologetically be yourself
• The biggest mistaken belief that people hold today
“The real battle that I have found, that is happening inside of every human being, is the battle between the adult logical side of ourselves versus the unconscious emotional child in ourselves.”
“Imposter syndrome is simply the awareness that your desires for what you want is out of alignment from your beliefs.”
“Both fear and faith are beliefs in something completely unseen, yet based on the Universal Law of cause and effect, each will create completely different returns.”
“It is not the thoughts that matter as the energy you are holding, the energy you are holding has more power.”
“One of the biggest limiting beliefs that people have is that they think they will feel good enough when enough people love them.”
Mia’s Website & Bestselling Book, Meant For More
The Alter Ego by Todd Herman
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Bob Newhart – Stop It (Mad TV)
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