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Today’s special guest founded the leading coaching company for health and fitness professionals, Healthpreneur®, and he’s here to reveal how he helps create more impact and freedom for health and fitness professionals. Yuri Elkaim is a New York Times bestselling author and health practice success mentor who has built two multiple 7-figure businesses that have served over 500,000 people since 2006, but what Yuri shares in this episode can be of value to a coach in any niche!
What We Cover in This Episode:
- How Yuri got into the health field and why he says that hiring a coach in 2010 changed everything for him
- The gap in the marketplace he identified and his leap to help other health professionals with business and marketing online
- The big reasons Yuri steers away from complexity inside his business
- A look at Yuri’s move away from one-on-one coaching, and how he pivoted to a business model that is more fulfilling and energizing for him
- Where Healthpreneur is going in the future and his process for determining what’s next in his business
“I’m very cognizant of keeping [my business] simple, because my first business was massively complex, so the nice thing is I have contrast from the first business.”
“You have to focus your attention on doing one thing extremely well. Even if you have two things you have split your energy, and as soon as you split your energy, your focus, and your attention, you are going to get fractional results.”
There’s a time and place to hustle, there is a time and place to put in the hard work but your whole existence should not be hard work and grinding.”
“There is no profession more impactful in the world than coaching, because you fundamentally get to help people transform and it’s just so rewarding.”
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