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Episode #830: David Chametzky: Overcoming the Monsters in Our Heads

by | Aug 14, 2023 | Podcasts

Today’s guest is David Chametzky, someone whose work is all about lifting others up and building results. A big part of achieving success as a coach, and in life in general, involves getting past our limited beliefs, and in this episode, David reveals how we can all begin to overcome these “monsters in our heads” that hold us back!

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What We Cover in This Episode:

  • How a recent life event impacted David and made him even more passionate about what he does each day
  • His tips for getting past procrastination to really start building your dreams
  • The ways that your limiting beliefs are holding you back, and what you can do to identify these obstacles
  •  David’s advice for finding a good mentor for you

  • A look at how David juggles the many hats he wears in his business and the role that focus plays that allows him to do this 


“Although to have happiness you can be anywhere, it’s not necessarily a goal, but what are the obstacles in our way and [how do we] overcome them?”

“As coaches, why aren’t we doing the things we want to do? It’s all because of our limiting beliefs.”

“The monsters in our heads are much worse than the monsters under our beds.”

“It’s all [about] perspective, and once we have the opportunities to open up, the world really starts opening up even more.”


David’s Website & Podcast

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