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On today’s show, Rob Goyette is returning to share about an offer you can add to your coaching business that is irresistible to clients! Rob has been supporting coaches and leaders in the coaching niche since 2007, and his speciality is helping coaches get clients. You may have heard him talk about laser coaching in past episodes on Natural Born Coaches, and in this one, Rob reveals the different approach he has for the laser coaching model, and how you can implement it now to add extra income into your business!
Rob has just released a free, automated training about this new coaching model that’s irresistible to clients, and you can watch it now at!
If you want to learn how to consistently earn $10k/month…WITHOUT sending cold messages to strangers or spending money on ads, don’t forget to check out my new free mini-training!
What We Cover in This Episode:
- A recap of what the laser coaching model is all about
- What the roll out of Rob’s new model has looked like
- How he took a different approach to developing his new coaching offer
- The way it provides an opportunity for coaches to operate from a heart-centered discipline
- Some of the reasons why this is an irresistible offer to your clients
- How he looks at this new offer as “accountability coaching, with a spin!”
“Coaches end up earning more in two months than a year in laser coaching, so coaches are loving it too.”
“In this model, we show how to coach clients in a very heart-centered way, around if they say they are going to do something and they don’t, how to really course correct that so the next time they say they are going to do something they are much more likely to do it.”
“The testimonials I have from coaches who are using this, they talk about, one, how easy it is to sell and number two, how fun it is to deliver, how they enjoyed it, and that the clients enjoyed it.”
“It is a version of accountability coaching, but with a very unique spin that makes it super easy to sell and super easy to deliver, for both coach and the client.”
Register for Rob’s Free Training Now!
Episodes 610, 645 & 681 with Rob
Watch my New Free Mini-Training Now at!
You can get all the details now for the brand-new Secret Coach Club 2.0 at