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Story-powered content captivates prospects and inspires them to act. Most coaches, consultants, and other experts dish out the same old boring content, put prospects to sleep, and then feel stuck and frustrated. Today’s special guest is Tom Ruwitch, and he teaches how to fire up prospects and inspire them to hire you with story-powered content, that’s simple to create!
To hear more about why storytellers sell more and have more fun doing it, register for Tom’s free training! It’s happening on Tuesday, October 11th at 12 pm EST, and you can grab your spot now at See you there, coaches!
What We Cover in This Episode:
- How to begin establishing yourself in the inbox of your clients by using subject lines and captivating content
- One of the top mistakes Tom sees coaches and storytellers making
- The method that he teaches that doesn’t start with the story of you
- Ways to have building blocks ready and accessible to assemble stories that foster the craft of creativity
- Tom’s take on writer’s block and how he has overcome it in the past
- Why storytellers sell more – and have more fun doing it
“If you can spark curiosity in the subject line [of your email], that will always draw people in.”
“Put them on the edge of their seat, because when it is coming to a time where they are making a buying decision, they are going to be paying attention to you and they are going to come to you.”
“You must be a little bit bold, put yourself out there, take that guard down, and don’t get too stuck on all the conventions. You’ll surprise yourself about how receptive most people are if you have a little bit of fun.”
“Give yourself a little room to noodle, doodle, and jot, and some really incredible things can come from it.”
Register for Tom’s Training (Tuesday, October 11th at 12 pm EST)
The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron
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