Tobin Slaven and I were talking about online entrepreneurs who use the “Spray and Pray” approach.
It’s especially common on LinkedIn, where many set goals to blast out (often automated) messages to a bunch of prospects every day, in the hopes that some of them will turn into new business.
Tobin got one of these messages recently from a stranger who vomited out a pitch with a bunch of links into his inbox.
But instead of simply ignoring the message, Tobin checked out some of the guy’s posts and decided to reply to him.
He told him that he liked his content, but that he was hurting himself with the messaging approach that he was using on LinkedIn.
Instead of bringing him raving fans and more business, he was chasing away potential clients and customers.
This fellow changed his messages to what Tobin teaches, and lo and behold it worked …
Tobin will be showing his method in a training that we’re doing tomorrow called “How To Do LinkedIn Differently By Mastering The 4 Gears Of Marketing”. It’s happening at 4 pm EST, and you can grab your seat for it here: